With subtle chantings of the krishna bhajan, the mixed frangrance of the tea leaves, dried twigs & delicately flavoured nuts, I was welcomed with a warm smile by
Mr. Jorg Eisenmann of
projekt POET. I simply loved the decor of this shop. The simple yet rich in its display, the country yet contemporary look with natural elements in the decor looks superb. This shop is located at Feuerbach, Stuttgart, Germany. Please see the end of this post for the address.

I am mainly posting this article for the lovely decor of this shop. Mr. Jorg Eisenmann is highly inspired by the calm and tranquil nature of Buddha and therefore the decor of his shop revolves around this theme.

He has cleverly chosen a subtle colour scheme of Grey and Green with hints of red that can be seen here and there.

He handpicks his products and the range involves Wine, Gift articles, Home decor products and delicacies like roasted nuts, flavoured chips, tea leaves, spices etc., from various countries.
Grey performs a splendid job of a becoming a background colour and allowing all the other colours to go ahead and perform their job of looking bright. Since its the colour of the natural stone and the colour of steel, grey suits both country and contenporary settings. This is exactly what one can see in this shop.
Projekt POET also features lovely country-contemporary furniture from ante neo. Do not forget to check this website for more details.
I especially loved these coasters, and wein bottle fitters.
The various hues of red can be seen in the Wine display section.
Some handpicked tea leaves are a speciality of this shop. Mr Jorg Eisenmann also offers a choice of your articles gift wrapped. This makes your gift artciles more special.
Loved this oval shaped olive motifed bowl...

Everything you spot here has an element of nature in it....I truly appreciate this thought

Beautiful stone figurines of Asian gods and goddesses from Thailand.
Some handmade artefacts in Green with country motifs adds a healing touch to the decor.

I would like to thank Mr. Jorg Eisenmann for the hospitality and the wonderful coffee.
For my Stuttgart readers, address of projekt POET:
Grazer Strasse. 21, 70469 Feuerbach. Mobil-0172-8874997
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