After the stress involved in relocating, one definitely needs a reward. I chose to watch a movie. Coincidently... it happened to be Julie and Julia by Julie Powell. I definitely knew about this book....,but was not aware that this was about blogging. As I sat watching the movie, tears rolled down my eyes and I began to much I missed blogging. That is when I decided to write and update my blog continuously. This post is dedicated to Julie Powell and Julia Child.
This post is about how we transformed an interior design classroom into a fascinating world of warli art. I thank all my students wholeheartedly for extending their support and showing interest in this project of mine.
As you can see, its a normal white boring classroom. Unfortunately, in an excitement to re-do the room, I forgot to take any before images of the room. This is the only one that I have and you can see a student working here.
Many blogs have already spoken about warli art. So, I think I will not venture deep into it. But a small note for the novice. Warli art form is a kind of painting found on the mud houses of some tribal groups in Maharashtra. The paint forms depict their daily life scenes in an attempt to showcase their culture. I found a lovely blog titled Please check this for an extensive research on warli paintings.
So, after the makeover......
I promise all my readers and followers who have been patiently mailing me everyday to update my blog that I will regularly update this blog with more and more interesting and useful articles. I also encourage every reader of mine to send me a message on what you would like to know from me with respect to interior design and decoration.
Linking this post to the July Carnival at The Key Bunch....
Linking this post to the July Carnival at The Key Bunch....