
Monday 6 June 2011

Weekend Wrapup Post for Colours Dekor....trip to Esslingen, Germany

I did this post specially for the weekend wrap up post on patty's blog Colours Dekor. What better setup can I ask for....hold on while I explain....With a thunder stormy rain outside, a romantic tamil song playing on my laptop, a hot cuppa in my hand, a beautiful novel titled Persuading Annie set amidst the scenic landscapes of an English town , what more can I think of other than doing something that I am very passionate about...blogging.

so, here it is... a post on what I did during the weekend.....

This was a short travel to Esslingen in Germany....a town that reflects a strong sense of tradition and culture of the medieval era. Medieval period is all about the castle look, zinc table ware, cobbled streets, roughly cut stone towers in tudor style of exteriors, and not to forget the dragon accessories. This is one such tower that is still intact with a stone structure, black and white half timbering on the exteriors. This is now converted to an Ice cream parlour.As you enter the main street in Esslingen, you will be welcomed by the beautiful colour combinations of each of the buildings, river neckar and all the beautiful street cafes.I was charmed by the beauty of each and every building. While some had beautiful shapes, some were adorned with timber work. If some facades were architecturally made beautiful with coloumns and unusual shapes, some had beautiful patterns painted on them. These are just a few of the many buildings that I clicked...more to follow in the later posts. Had some excellent coffee at the starbucks cafe. To add to the strong flavour of the black coffee were the beautiful patterns and textures on the building.

This is another building which is now a bank. One can see how beautifully and painstakingly, people of Esslingen have tried to retain the most important architectural buildings of this place.

Take a look at some of the beautiful and not so common facades of the buildings. I loved the colour schemes, the rough textures, the simple, elegant yet traditional window treatments.
This is the beautiful town hall of Esslingen. It has a complementary colour scheme of orange-red and blue-green. With its beautiful shape, architecural details, a gilded clock ...its a must-see in Esslingen.

All-in-all....a weekend well spent and worth every minute......

What I would like to specially tell my readers is that, try using some of these elements in your maybe a wall in half timbering , fake windows symmetrically placed on either side of your bed with window treatment from the above images. This idea is especially for people who live in apartments and have boring UPVC window frames... try the colour scheme or the medieval patterns on your cabinets or cupboards to add an European touch to your interiors....

Ofcourse, you are most welcome to ask me for suggestions if you want to implement any of these ideas in your interiors.....

Linking this post to All about Picstory on Tina's blog....


  1. lovely pics vasu! it indeed looks like straight out from a fairy tale!

  2. Oh my... what a visual treat!! It was as though.. I was travelling. Hey.. I like the new look of the blog.. Thanks for linking in.. totally makes my day!

    I so agree about the false windows and colours.. We can all be little interior designers... if we just follow our hearts.. :-)

  3. Such a warm post Vasudha. Such vibrant colours and the streets look so inviting. Do you live in Germany. May be our neighbors :-)

  4. Beautiful pictures...what a lovely location..This is in Baden,is it?

  5. Thanks shanthi, patty.

    @purnima...your blog is lovely too

  6. Lovely pictures, beautiful location, felt good to travel with you.

  7. Thank you so much for linking up with your holidays to PicStory*! I have also seen this city! It´s really beautiful. And I had also some icecream from this tower :).
    Please link also back to PicStory in your post, that others can also find us. Thank´s again for this wonderful trip! :) LG Tina
