
Sunday 21 March 2010

Featured on Colours Dekor by Patricia Torres.....

It is soon going to be a year since I started blogging. What I have experienced here is immense... in terms of learning, knowing people, understanding the cultures of various places etc., I have come across many bloggers who with little recognition consider themselves celebrities. On the other hand, I have also met some people who inspite of all the fame are still humble and have an aura of motivaton around them. Hats off to them. From my list of such people, I would like to introduce Patricia whom we all lovingly call Pat. She is a person filled with honesty, love and humbleness. She has travelled all around the globe and her blogs reflect her experiences. I simply adore her simple, subtle nature. She shares a high level of genuity and this can be seen in her comments. She patiently answers all your queries. She is immensely talented and writes very well. Appreciating her down to earth nature, I request all my readers to visit her blogs where she passionately writes about decorating homes and where she writes about her travels. I am happy and surprised to be featured on her blog. Please visit this link to see my blog featured. Thank you so much Pat.....


  1. I agree with you completely...Pat is such an amazing person...a simple comment from her inspires u to do better...

  2. I totally agree with what you have to say about Pat, Vasudha! She is such a multi tasker and superb at putting together stuff in a jiffy! The corners of your home she has posted are indeed very creative and beautiful! Like she says, you can always identify the pros!


  3. congrats to coming close to a year of blogging..

  4. oh my gosh.. Vasu.. those are far too many kind words. So sweet of you!! I dont really have words to express... my gratitute in some way!!

    I absolutely love your blog and like I said... you can easily tell the professionals on blog world... unlike the ones who just 'rearrange and use the little knowledge they have' like me ;-)

  5. hi vasudha,
    i chanced upon your blog.must say pretty interesting,from the content to the design.
    also, must say thanks for recommending patricia on ur blog.very few people do that.shows ur selflessness.

    if you do wish, please visit/follow my blog

    keep up the good writing!

  6. Pat's blogs are great thanks...and congrats for almost completing a year.
